Wednesday, October 28, 2009


ABC – Concentration level?
Me – Zero

ABC - Sleep deprived?
Me - Not really. May be yes. Willingly.

ABC - Repulsion to food
Me- Yes, intensely. Not hungry at all.

ABC - Ready to hibernate?
Me - Been a month now

ABC - What next?
Me - Get Lost.

ABC – Friends?
ME – Want no more.

ABC – Wanna go out? Film, lunch, dinner or something?
ME – Refer to answer 3.


Vidhu .. !! said...

Its pathetic and you know that ! You are going out with me tommorow ! end of discussion ! Stop with the make yourself feel low thing ! Just try to put things aside, and see clearly for once ! Face the facts !

Sharanya said...

there's nothing like facing the facts because i ain't hiding behind a bush or something... :)